Valuable business literature has never been richer or more relevant to today’s business climate. The ferocious pace and magnitude of industry disruption includes forces looking well beyond our own internal boundaries. Cloud computing, data science, and artificial intelligence are no longer the future but are the imperatives of today’s successful organizations. This transformation is being chronicled and interpreted by the wisest business books offered to an increasing broad executive business readership.
Our “99 Best Business Books & Media” are principally offered because Augustus Group senior executive associates and partners are committed to the same lifelong career learning and professional development that we strongly recommend to our clients. It is felt that all managers & executives, as well as both aspiring & sitting CEOs, have much to gain from habitually reading relevant business books of their own choosing. And we all do have the time, either on airplanes, in hotel rooms, or any time that we decide to take 30 minutes for a change of pace personal pursuit. Business literature has become such a rich genre that this exciting organic body of work deserves the ongoing attention of senior business practitioners of all stripes. For reasons of space economy and time, individual book descriptions or commentary have been reluctantly omitted. Your personal comments, critiques, and recommendations are both welcome and solicited.
Welcome to new insights and inspiration – enjoy!





1.  Cloud Computing & The Internet Revolution

2.  Technology & Innovation

3.  Entrepreneurship & Start Ups

4.  Leadership & Management

5.  Strategy & Execution

6.  Financial Dynamics, Metrics & Commentaries

7.  Business Biography & Autobiography

8.  Health, Fitness & Values: Character, Emotional & Physical

9.  Wallstreet, M&A, Private Equity & LBOs

10.  Turn Arounds & Exits

11.  Disruption, Paradigm Shifts & Global Future Trends

12.  Geopolitical Dimensions

13.  Personal Faves & Other Good Reads

14. The Future of Non-Profits – Leadership and Management

15. The Law & the US Judicial System